
Solar Rebate Calculator

Last update January 7th, 2025 at 10:58 am

By using a solar rebate calculator, you can easily calculate how much of your installation costs the solar government rebate is expected to cover. Going solar is considered to be a great investment, but the initial costs will often be significant.

With a solar rebate, you can save a lot of money. However, the rebate size will depend on which zone you live in. Or more specifically, which STC zone you live in. Besides this, the size of your system is relevant. 

A solar rebate calculator will, based on the information you give, give you an estimate of your total costs.

First Of All: What Is A Solar Rebate?

In Australia, you will be able to receive a government rebate when investing in solar panel systems. This rebate is given to make it more affordable for Australians to invest in clean energy.

The rebate given by the federal government is based on STCs, also known as Small-scale Technology Certificates. Each STC will have a specific value and will be subtracted from the installation costs.

In other words, the more STCs you will get, the bigger the rebate will be. Your number of STCs will depend on the size of the system, but also your whereabouts. 

When it comes to system size, you will get more STCs the more kW your system will produce. And when it comes to location, your rebate will be bigger the lower the STC zone you live in. In STC zone 1, the rebate is bigger than in STC zone 2, 3 and 4.

solar rebate calculator
Your STC rebate will depend on which zone you live in.

STC Calculator – Calculate The Size Of Your Solar Rebate

When using an STC calculator, you will be able to calculate how big the STC rebate is likely to be based on where you live. The STC rebate is available throughout the country and is therefore relevant for most Australian residents who are planning to go solar.

How To Use A Solar Rebate Calculator?

An online solar rebate calculator is usually very straightforward and simple to use. In most cases, you will be asked to add information about the following:

  • System size
  • Postcode

When you have added the necessary information, you click on the calculate button. The solar rebate calculator will then calculate your expected solar incentive. 

What Kind Of Information Will A Solar Rebate Calculator Give You?

When using the calculator, you will usually be able to see the following information:

  • Number of STCs
  • The price or value of each STC
  • The size of the solar panel rebate in AUD

For instance, if you plan to install a 6.6kW system in 2025 and are located in postcode 2617, you can expect to generate 54 STCs, and each of these will typically have a value of $38. According to a solar rebate calculator, this will give you an STC rebate of $2,052.

Remember: The Rebates Are Not Permanent

When using the calculator, you will be able to see the expected current rebate. The STC rebate is reduced every year, which means that the rebate the calculator presents today, will not be the same next year. 

The STC rebate scheme is scheduled to terminate in 2030, and until then the rebate will gradually reduce every year. So if you would like to maximize your rebate, it might be a good idea to invest in solar energy sooner rather than later.

How To Get The Rebate?

To be able to claim your rebate from the federal government, it is important to make sure the system and installation are eligible for the scheme. First of all, you need to install a system that is Clean Energy Council (CEC) approved. 

Both the solar panels, batteries and inverter must be approved by the CEC. If it is, you will find it on their list of approved products.

The installer must also be CEC certified, so make sure to check this before choosing an installer firm. In addition to this, you must remember to claim the rebate within a year after installation.

Calculator For State Rebates

Besides the STC rebate given by the federal government, you might also be eligible for state government rebates. This is especially relevant for residents living in Victoria or South Australia.

It may also be possible to find a solar rebate calculator to calculate potential state government solar system rebates.

Use The Calculator And Find Your Rebate

If you are planning on going solar, a rebate calculator can be helpful as it will show you your expected rebate. That way it will be easier for you to plan the installation according to your budget.

Usually, you just need to know the system size and your postcode to be able to use the calculator.